Vaccinations and Doctors
There wasn't really much in terms of Vaccinations when I was little.
However, today, its a totally different ball game altogether. My baby received
her very first round of vaccination on the day she was born; three to be
precise. Also, since we were first-time parents, we needed a good pediatrician;
someone close to home and reachable on the phone. Most doctors in India tend
not to receive phone calls and will basically demand that you come and visit
them at their chambers. But I was really particular in making sure that whoever
we finalized would at least be open to advising over the phone occasionally.
With the recommendation of a close family member, who is a doctor by the
way, we met with the pediatrician. Seemed like a very balanced doctor and also
open to listening to us as parents, which we thought was a good thing. He gave
us a folder with a huge list for vaccinations; some mandatory and some were
optional. Apparently, now we have painless / fever-less vaccinations, imported
ones, of course. They were priced slightly more than the Indian versions, but
as parents who wouldn't want to opt for the better ones, if they can afford to
do so.
Anyways, the day for the second round of vaccinations soon arrived. I was
pretty apprehensive; didn't know how my daughter was going to react. The dose
that she had undergone at the time of birth; she hardly would have understood.
But now she is over a month old and does react to certain elements. As a
concerned mum, I packed her bag with her favorite toys, a bottle of milk;
whatever that would be required to divert her attention once the dose was
administered. My husband also accompanied us. Definitely need all the support
that I can get.

The oral doses were given pretty quickly. She cried a bit and I had to hold
her tight for the doc to administer it properly. I was more scared of the
injections. I was praying that she wouldn't be hurt. But it just went so
amazingly well. The whole affair literally took a minute or so. And she cried
for another minute and then she was absolutely fine. I didn't even have to take
out her favorite toy.
All my doubts re the doctor were laid to rest. We as parents were happy that
we chose him to take care of what is most precious in our lives. Her well-being
is the most important thing for us and we always want to do what's best for