Tricks and Tantrums
I've relocated to Planet Alien.
That’s my new address. Why? I am now treading the parts of an unknown world
armed with knowledge from theoretical expert No. 1 "What to Expect when
you're Expecting" and of course practical expert No. 2 "my mum".
Still, no babies are alike and my little one definitely does not follow in my
footsteps; at least that's what my mum tells me.

I’ve always seen other babies scared
of the water. They howl and cry when mummies try giving them their baths. But
not my girl! She’s a pro, through and through! She splashes water all over;
loves to shampoo and adores lathering in her baby body wash. She turns into one
of the Roman babies, bundled in her bath towel. We have to have her milk ready
to be served to her immediately after bundling her into the towel. She won’t
even wait to get dressed. Post the drinking session is nose powdering time. A new dress ( and I literally mean she has tons of new dresses) comes out of the closet; by the way; she already has
dedicated closet space. Did I have that when I was a baby too? Got to remember
to ask my mum.
With all these chores out of the
way; it’s nap time!
Now that I’ve discussed all the good
bits; this does not in any way mean that my darling daughter is an angel. Her
tantrums are loud enough for even my neighbors to hear; not just at night but
even during the day. Especially during the times when I have to change her
nappy and she’s almost on the verge of dozing off. Again, I literally tear my
hair out when she refuses to drink the required amount of milk. No amount of
coaxing or pleading will get her to take to the bottle again. Even I want to; I
can’t forcefully put it into her mouth either. She just closes her little lips
so tight! She's going to one stubborn kid.
Frustrations of being a first-time
mother. But, she’s a bundle of amazement. Every
day is a surprise package and I can’t wait to see what she does next.